Thursday, August 27, 2015

Review: Ruin Porn by S.A. McAuley and SJD Peterson | The Novel ...

5 Stars
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Title: Ruin Porn

Authors: S.A. McAuley and SJD Peterson

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Pages/Word Count: 252 Pages

At a Glance: I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Ruin Porn the next time you’re in the mood for a beautiful disaster.

Reviewed By: Lisa

Blurb: There is underlying beauty in destruction….

Miah Thade, Finn Reese, and Ritchie Meyer are Resonator, an indie rock band with an edge—best friends turned rock stars, known as the Detroit 3. When Evin Rene appears in their life, none of them can deny he belongs with Rez.

They may have named their first album Ruin Porn because people get off on seeing how Detroit went from deeply loved to thoroughly forsaken, but they’re determined to prove that blight isn’t the entire story and blight isn’t always ugly.

Ritchie, Miah, Finn, and Evin take Resonator to a level no one anticipates. But no prosperity comes without sacrifice, and no secret stays hidden without a trail of lies. As Rez’s fame grows, so does the intensity between two of its members… as well as their potential for destruction.

Evin and Finn are about to discover the underlying beauty in their ruin porn.


Review: So, when I’m offered a book written by S.A. McAuley or SJD Peterson, what are some of the first things that come to mind? First of all, I know there’s probably going to be some angst involved (there is). I know there’s probably going to be at least one character I want to sucker-punch just once (there is). I know I’m not going to get a standard-template romance (this isn’t). I know there’s going to be some pretty amazing emotional and sexual chemistry (there is). And, finally, I know that by the end I’ll be completely invested in the couple’s happy beginning (I am).

Now, you throw these two authors together, and what do you have? A match made in Ruin Porn, and I’m already salivating to get my paws on the next book because that character I want to sucker-punch? Seriously, if this book was angsty… Gird your reading loins, people.

I’d never heard the term ruin porn before, though I now know how apropos it is not only to this book but to all the angst-laden books we love to devour. Ruin porn is about getting off on the decay and destruction of something that was once beautiful. Welcome to the Ruin Porn Club, kiddies, because that’s exactly what these two authors initiate us into as we’re hazed by the growing lust and love between Finn and Evin. And then we get to watch as it all comes to ruin because of lies and fear and homophobia, and the all too intrusive camera-in-a-fish-bowl lives their fame became. And, I reveled in every single word of it. I’m not sure what the repair that begins after the devastation is called, though. Maybe that’s just what we romantics call hope. Finn and Ev give us hope that love will be enough to rebuild on.

The Detroit 3—Miah, Ritchie, and Finn—get a plus one when guitarist Kevin Rene accepts the invite to join Resonator as their bass player, becomes Evin, and spends the next year on a meteoric rise to stardom, while also sneaking in intimate moments with Ritchie and Finn. Let me first say I adore Ritchie—truly, madly, deeply, irrevocably—and while I know threesomes aren’t everyone’s cuppa, there was never a single moment where I felt that the time he spent with Finn and Ev was an intrusion on something deeper growing between the two men. In fact, I’d go so far as to say Ritchie made Finn and Ev possible because he was like the rudder that kept their ship on course. Or he tried to, at least, before the shitstorm hit.

I loved Evin and his quiet strength (and the one line he uttered near the end of the book that made me gasp at its naked and painful truth), loved Finn and the snark and barriers that crumbled when he simply looked at Ev, and I even looo…okay, I didn’t love Miah—not by a long shot. He’s a complete git ::sorrynotsorry:: who’s driven by his ambition, but by the end of this story I understood him a bit better. And a little understanding can go a long way toward seeing beneath the veneer and vanity, and I maybe felt a mild twinge of guilt for wanting to punch him.


No I didn’t.

Ruin Porn is a novel that complicates the already complicated business of falling in love by taking what should be private public, and made me appreciate my mundane nobody existence. It’s super sexy, made me more than a little heart-sore, and kept me glued to my Kindle from beginning to end. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this one the next time you’re in the mood for a beautiful disaster you can see coming a mile away, and have no intention of avoiding until you see it through to its finish.


You can buy Ruin Porn here:

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