Thursday, September 19, 2013

I'm Faking It | Get It Write

I live as if I’ve caught up with technology.

I of course have a laptop. And a printer that does everything but sing love songs. And a Kindle. And an iPhone. I do more shopping online than on foot. And more and more of my books are in or on the way to being e-books.

I have a Facebook page and I’m on Linked In. I do this blog once a month. And I’ve had a website for years.

Really on top of it, right? Wrong. Not only have I not caught up, I never expect to.

We writers rattle on and on about all these things, these scifi creations by people who talk about Nanos the way we talk about verbs. I have friends who create and market their own e-books, not wanting to share the profits or the decisions with a publisher. I have no idea how to do that.

POD—is that even a real thing? Because I’d love to have new hard copies of my hardcovers-turned- e-books. You know, something to put on the solid, made-of-molecules, boards of a bookcase. I don’t know how and I don’t have time to wander weeping through the cyber-world.

As I said, I’ve had a website for years. I edit the words, but have never figured out how to put graphics on it, so the covers of the new Samson’s Deal, the new Free Draw, the even newer Blackjack may never make it onto the virtual page. Until I get around to asking someone to do it for me.

Same with Facebook. How is it that so many people blithely toss their photos into the ether and have them show up there? I’m smart, right? Can’t make it work. And Linked In? What is that for, anyway? And I’m damned if I’ll Twitter.

Keeping up, learning to use all these things, seems like another full-time job. I already have at least two.

I’m terrified that if I ever do get a better grasp, at least, on some of these mysteries, tech will take yet another quantum leap and I’ll be lost forever.


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