Thursday, September 19, 2013

Can You Have Too Many Ebooks For Kindle? - Authors Square

The kindle has made a huge difference to people who like to take a book with them when they travel. Rather than restricting themselves to one or two heavy paperbacks, they can have hundreds, perhaps thousands of eBooks for kindle at their fingertips. Downloading books, particularly if they are free, can be quite addictive, but when will you find the time to read your ever expanding library?

There will inevitably be many books which you may never in fact get to read; while this may not be a problem in itself – there are so many books in the world that you will never get round to reading them, whether they are on your kindle or not- it may cause another issue. If you have one paperback book with you on holiday, then you will be entirely focused on getting through it before you fly home; with a whole library only a few clicks away though, then you may get distracted by something that catches your eye, and won’t actually finish what you started. The ability to download so many eBooks for kindle has certainly been an advantage for readers, but you may find that you can in fact have too much of a good thing.


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