Tuesday, May 14, 2013

FREE Gardening and Homesteading Kindle Books - Happy Mothering

by Chrystal Johnson on May 14, 2013

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Today I discovered that not only can you look at the list of the Top 100 Free Kindle books, but you can also browse around and find more free Kindle books that haven’t made that list yet!

I found some great gardening and homesteading Kindle books that I had to share with you! Just click on the image to go to Amazon and download your copies!

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About Chrystal Johnson

Chrystal, publisher of Happy Mothering, is a mother of two sweet girls who believes in living a simple, natural lifestyle. A former marketing manager, Chrystal spends her time researching green and eco-friendly alternatives to improve her family's life. She enjoys sharing those discoveries with anyone who's willing to listen.



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