Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ana Mardoll's Ramblings: eReader: eReaderIQ Watchlist

If you buy from Amazon Kindle and aren't already aware of it, ereaderiq has a really great "watchlist" service for Kindle books. All you have to do is load the Kindle books you want into your Amazon wishlist, make the wishlist public for a one-time sync (you can make the list private again afterwards), and then eReaderIQ will send you notifications when the book price drops by whatever amount or percentage you set. (I usually set for $1 drops.)

The service is free; the site makes its money by embedding an affiliate code in all its links, which you don't have to use but are certainly convenient for one-click access. The email alerts look like this:



The News from http://kindakindle.blogspot.com