Monday, October 15, 2012

dangermousie: Have just bought the Parade's End tetralogy on kindle.

It's modernist but that doesn't bother me. Mainly bought it because I went searching for quotes from the novels and found gems like this:

“You seduced a young woman in order to be able to finish your talks with her. You could not do that without living with her. You could not live with her without seducing her; but that was the by-product. The point is that you can't otherwise talk. You can't finish talks at street corners; in museums; even in drawing-rooms. You mayn't be in the mood when she is in the mood - for the intimate conversation that means the final communion of your souls. You have to wait together - for a week, for a year, for a lifetime, before the final intimate conversation may be attained...and exhausted. So that...That in effect was love.”

I have no idea who Ford Madox Ford is writing about here (I am assuming Christopher and Valentine, but who knows) but guuuuuuh - I will read anything, whatever style and plot (or lack thereof) which has gorgeous passages like that.


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