Monday, October 15, 2012

54 ways to save on gas {Kindle Freebie}

Temporary price reduction… Grab it NOW while you can!


…There is a certain day of the week you SHOULD buy gas to get the best prices?

…There is a best TIME OF DAY to buy gas to get more for your money? And a worst time?

…There is a day that you should NEVER buy gas? And it varies from station to station! We show you how to determine this BLACK day!

…How you PARK can save you money on gas?

…PLUS – there’s more! Way too much to list here. In fact, there are 54 easy to follow tips that …will save you money on gas – starting today!

…or you can keep on working to support the gas company. Your choice!

Snag this freebie for the Kindle at Gas Savers.

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