Sunday, September 9, 2012

Amazon: Build apps for our Kindle Fire line and get better exposure ...

Jerimiah Yap – Fourth Estate Cooperative Writer

Seattle, WA (4E) – Amazon unveiled the Kindle Fire HD a few days ago at a press conference in California and many analysts warmly welcomed its new product. Amazon has made some considerable improvements to its successful Kindle Fire line and already owns 22 percent of the tablet market.

But a tablet can’t be considered a success without great apps, which is why Amazon has opted to push Android’s app store the Google Play Store aside. In its place, Amazon created it’s very own market place for apps called the Amazon Appstore.

Amazon wants developers to build apps that optimize perfectly with the Kindle Fire HD’s screen for maximum use. Apps perfectly optimized for use on the Kindle Fire HD are sure to receive more exposure and better promotion from Amazon.

The biggest online retailer in the world has preinstalled the Amazon Appstore on its Kindle Fire line and has chosen not to include the Google Play Store.

The screen size of a tablet is also a big factor in developing apps. Developers usually create apps specifically for a particular screen size. The bigger a tablet’s screen size, the more features it can display.

According to ZDNet, “A good tablet app takes full advantage of the display larger than the smartphone screen. A great tablet app senses the display resolution and optimizes the information displayed based on the resolution.”

Developers have to adjust their apps if they want it to be compatible for both a tablet and a smartphone.

Amazon is basically telling Android developers to build apps for its tablet line. The company aims to change the app development landscape. Since it’s difficult for developers to get noticed on the Google Play Store, Amazon is promising developers a better potential of getting noticed by an already large market.



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