Tuesday, September 22, 2015

News September 2015 - Joy And Bliss

Allys travels in August

I took some time off and escaped the cold Adelaide winter by going to the sunny warmth of Bali for a couple of weeks in August. I had a relaxing 2 days by myself at Poomba House homestay in Les to unwind, then spent 6 days at ‘Expand Your Vision’ Retreat with Barry Auchettl at Villa Boreh Resort at Tejakula. We enjoyed freshly made organic food and tropical juice drinks every day. My favourite was Tropical Dream. I learnt Intuitive Kinesiology – an energy based system. We also did yoga and eye exercises every morning, experiences some interesting guided meditations, practised Tantra on a couple of evenings. We visited the beautiful powerful 30m high Waterfall at Les and marvelled at the ancient Goa Gajah (Elephant) Temple which is revered by both Balinese Hindus and Buddhists. The last two days we stayed at Seminyak for a more touristy experience of Bali – mostly shopping and getting ready to come back to civilisation after a relaxing and energizing holiday. I had 4 massages in 10 days, and didn’t make a meal or drive a car for 2 weeks! A wonderful holiday break…bali-tourist-map-showing_Les

I got lots of insights and clarity about my life goals, purpose and my business. There are plans to present the Retreat again next year. As a result I have revamped and simplified my website. Check it out here

Ally’s upcoming Travel for next 3 months of 2015

When I’m not in Adelaide, I will be travelling to:

  • Darwin 19-23 October
  • Hobart 9-12 November
  • Sydney 16-19 November
  • Brisbane 30 November -3 December.
    So contact me book now to secure your preferred date and time.

Recommended Reading

What Women Really Want - 6 Tantric Sex Techniques for Men and Couples

What Women Really Want – 6 Tantric Sex Techniques for Men and Couples

There was a computer glitch with my Newsletter in August and the post didn’t go out, so if you haven’t got my book yet, “What Women Really Want, 6 Tantric Sex Techniques for Men and Couples” here’s how:

  1. Register for Amazon (its free)
  2. Download the Kindle reader App
  3. Buy my book:



  1. Read and enjoy
  2. Leave a review on Amazon and tell me what you think
  • Brigid Schulte: Why time is a feminist issue


  • The tiny thing that predicts the success of any relationship


Ka Huna bodywork/massage

Ka Huna is an oil based massage using hands and forearms in a rhythmic and fluid motion, much like a dance.

Many people have already experienced this Polynesian healing which is known by various names in different parts of the world. In Hawaii it is known as lomi lomi. In Australia and New Zealand as Hawaiian Massage and in Europe as Mauri Massage. Other names it goes by are Hawaiian Temple style rnassage, Aloha massage and Huna massage. In Australia it is also known as Ka Huna bodywork.

Your practitioner provides a safe supportive environment for you to facilitate relaxation and healing.

While it is called a massage, it’s really bodywork utilising hands and arms in flowing movements over the body, which brings fresh oxygen to every cell. For men or women to relax and rejuvenate.

It can be energising, or relaxing, or emotional, or healing, or spiritual or physical, or totally different. However Ray’s Ka Huna does not include genitals.

Ray is available from 25 September 2015 in Adelaide. The cost for his one hour Ka Huna massage/bodywork is $80 and 90 minutes Ka Huna massage/bodywork is $120.

Book now by replying to this email, or the booking page.

Ally at Villa Boreh Temple in Bali

Ally at Villa Boreh Temple in Bali

Eye of Kanaloa

Rainbow Ray – Eye of Kanaloa




The Late News from http://ift.tt/1c1TX0y