Monday, August 17, 2015

The Monday Check-In ~ 8/17/2015 | Bookshelf Fantasies

cooltext1850356879 My Monday tradition, including a look back and a look ahead — what I read last week, what new books came my way, and what books are keeping me busy right now. Plus a smattering of other stuff too.

What did I read last week?

The UninvitedIn the Unlikely Event

The Uninvited by Cat Winters: A really terrific, memorable read. My blog tour post and review is here.

In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume: Done! My review is here.


In real life, we celebrated my kiddo’s 13th birthday last week. It’s hard to believe my baby is a teen! And as of today, he’s also an 8th-grader. Yup, today is the first day of school here… and yes, I do think the middle of August is too early! I’m not sure which of us is grumpier about the return to the morning bustle and the nagging about homework. (Here’s hoping that as the mother of a mature 8th grader, the nagging routine will be a thing of the past for me!)

Fresh Catch:

Two book I’ve been wanting arrived this week:

Book of Strange New Things Narrow Road to the Deep North

It may be a while before I get to these, but I’m so excited to have them here!

What will I be reading during the coming week?

Currently in my hands:
What You Left BehindI Am Princess XLast Summer

I’ve about halfway through What You Left Behind by Jessica Verdi. Once I finish, I have a library book to read before it’s due back (I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest) and then I need to start the next blog tour book on my list, The Last Summer at Chelsea Beach by Pam Jenoff. How’s that for an eclectic reading week?

Now playing via audiobook:

Working for Bigfoot

I had a lot of fun listening to Jim Butcher’s Working For Bigfoot, a collection of three linked short stories set in the world of the Dresden Files. In each story, a reclusive but powerful sasquatch named River Shoulders hires Harry to watch out for his half-human son, and it’s all great fun. Plus, you know, the audiobook narrator is James Marsters, so obviously it’s fabulous.

invention of wings

My book group’s discussion of The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd starts later this week, and I didn’t think I’d get to it at all — until I had the brilliant idea to start the audiobook while out walking this weekend. The audio is wonderful so far, and I love the two narrators and how they portray the two main characters. I have a feeling I’ll be taking the long way on all my walks and drives this week, just so I can extend my listening time!

Ongoing reads:


Two chapters per week for each of these, for my online book group discussions with Outlander Book Club. Both books should be done by December!

So many book, so little time…



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