Friday, August 21, 2015

Paid Amazon Book Reviews - The Scourge Returns | The Vandal

amazon paid book reviewsWhile Amazon tried to clean up book reviews a couple of years ago, it would seem that they have failed miserably in ridding their site of paid book reviews. Over the last couple of months, I have been followed on Twitter by a bundle of users offering ‘verified’ paid Amazon Kindle ebook reviews.

On checking further, I discovered that there are now literally hundreds of sites offering paid book reviews on Amazon once again.

Even the worst scourge of paid book reviews, Fiverr, is back in business offering $5 Kindle ebook reviews.

I really thought that the John Locke episode a few years ago would have been the end of this dirty trade on Amazon. But sadly, apparently not.

As an author, I am totally against paid reviews, but in the real world of greed, there is no stopping the free market from doing what it does best, which is to exploit a market for every cent it is worth.

It took me less than ten minutes to find the following sites offering ‘verified’ paid Amazon book reviews.

paid book-reviewer

fiverr paid book reviews

get paid to review

paid book reviews

Imagine what I could have discovered if I had spent a half an hour searching for these leeches!

Quite honestly, it makes me sick to the gut, with the feeling that writing is becoming a tarnished, corrupt and dishonest business, and one I would rather not be associated with.

I refuse to pay for book reviews, so let my books rot at the bottom of the pile. Literature? Morality? Honesty? Amazon? Pphhfft!


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