Thursday, August 20, 2015

My Must Have Tech Gear | Blog Andra Dorolti

ipad kindle friends headphones gopro samsung galaxy alpha

EN  Everywhere I look around I see the Back to School trend. To be honest, it makes me miss my school days a bit. I remember how I would go shopping and buy the coolest notepads and do a total revamp of my office. I always used to get really excited when school started. I loved my summer holiday, but I liked being at school too. Unfortunately I’m finished with studies now, but I still try to make my own little projects in my spare time, I like to read and I like to know I’m learning something new constantly. So if you’re a creative person like me, I think you’ll like my Must Have Tech list. It’s a list of 5 things that can be very practical nowadays and I will tell you how I use them.


RO   Se apropie luna Septembrie, un inceput de an scolar. Perioada asta e deosebita pentru mine. Mereu am fost entuziasmata pentru inceperea scolii. Desi mi-au placut la nebunie vacantele de vara, eu m-am simtit mereu foarte bine la scoala, m-am simtit in mediul meu si ideea de a-mi reorganiza biroul, de a incepe un nou an in care pot sa cresc, sa invat ceva nou mereu m-a entuziasmat. Chiar daca am terminat cu scoala,  mi-am pastrat dorinta de a crea mici proiecte in timpul liber, de a citi si de a invata una alta. De mica mi-a placut sa invat scriind asa ca fac asta si acum – cand citesc ceva, cand descopar ceva, imi place sa fac notite, imi place s am un jurnal. Daca esti o persoana creativa ca mine, iti recomand o lista cu 5 lucruri pe care eu le folosesc foarte des – 5 tehnologii care ma ajuta sa fiu mai practica si mai eficienta. Sper sa te inspire! 

working at home

1. The smartphone: There’s nothing much to say about this. You have one as well, so you know how handy this can be. Some of my favourite apps that I use are: my bank and finance details, my gym schedule and bookings, my emails, my Blog Facebook Page, and the Audbile app.


1. Smartphone-ul: N-are rost sa vorbesc prea mult despre asta, cu totii avem un smartphone si cred ca deja n-am putea fara el. Eu personal n-as putea fara el datorita unor aplicatii foarte utile: partea financiara si economii, programul la sala si optiunea de a-mi face programarile online, email, pagina de Facebook a blogului, aplicatia Audible – carti audio de la Amazon. 

frends headphones

2. The headphones: I got these awesome Frends headphones from Dan a while ago. And because I love them so much I started using them constantly. Because I spend a lot of time travelling, I am always listening to an audible book. By this I mean hours and hours of good books – what better way to use your time efficiently?


2. Castile: Decand am primit castile astea m-am indragostit. Si pentru ca sunt atat de cool am ales sa le folosesc la maxim. Le-am ales pentru ca merg mana-n mana cu telefonul. Ascult mereu carti audio, in drum spre servici, in drum spre sala, inainte de culcare uneori.. si mi se pare o metoda extraordinara de a-mi folosi timpul eficient. 

jumping off a cliff santorini gopro

3. The GoPro: All I can say is that this tiny miracle already recorded some awesome memories. The good thing is that it has that waterproof and shockproof case so we can literally take this anywhere. It’s worth moving around with a selfie stick if you’ve got a GoPro. The photo above is the beginning of a footage with us jumping off the cliff.


3. GoPro: De cand avem aceasta minune tehnologica, am inregistrat o gramada de amintiri. Si partea buna e ca are carcasa rezistenta la apa, rezistenta la soc, are batul care e foarte manevrabil – e comod si perfect. Poza de mai sus e inceputul unei filmari cu noi sarind de pe o stanca.

ipad home fall rain

4. The Ipad: Dan and I like to make a lot of plans. We like to go and find a cozy place, grab a coffee and look online for things to do, places to visit. And this is what we most use our Ipad for, because it’s light, it’s fast, it’s smart  – and yes, it makes me switch to Apple for my next tech purchase.


4. Ipad-ul: Dupa cum stiti, Dan si cu mine facem des planuri de viitor. In zilele libere ne place sa mergem intr-o locatie linistita, comandam o cafea buna si scoatem Ipad-ul pentru a cauta idei online si pentru a face notite. E foarte la indemana tableta, e mica, usoara, rapida – si-i inteleg in sfarsit pe fanii Apple. 

back to school outfit

5. The Kindle: You guys know that we like to travel a lot. And I’d rather pack an extra dress, than another book. This kindle is just perfect – it fits anywhere and guess what, books are much cheaper on a Kindle.


5. Kindle – Ebook: Folosim Ebook-ul mai ales cand mergem in excursii. Prefer sa pun in bagaj o rochie in plus, decat sa-l incarc cu o carte. Asa ca Ebook-ul e perfect la indemana: foarte mic, usor si cartile sunt muuult mai ieftine in varianta asta. 

ipad kindle friends headphones gopro samsung galaxy alpha

What’s your favourite tech tool? 

♥ Andra

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