Monday, August 17, 2015

#KindleCountdown – MIAMI SNOW – Love. Lust. Murder.

Kindle Countdown deal! Just 99 cents through Thursday, August 20th!

MiamiSnowCover One day Nick Donovan has it all; a beautiful, pregnant wife, a nice house, a great job. The next day he is on his own, starting from scratch with nothing but a few suitcases and his old truck.

Nick flees to the opposite coast of Florida, trying to leave his ex-wife and the memories behind. But that couldn’t happen. Soon Nick finds that he is tied to Shelley in a way that he hadn’t expected. And, in her bitterness, she does everything she can to ensure his misery.

Brandy is Shelley’s opposite; wild, sensual, free-spirited. With Brandy, Nick is able to rebel against all that Shelley stands for. Brandy quickly leads Nick into a world of sex, drugs, and cash. And now Nick finds himself caught between the two worlds, desperate to stay afloat.

Amazon / Amazon UK


Rain tapped softly against the window. Nick wasn’t exactly listening, but the sound was calming somewhere deep in his subconscious. The room was dark, his body was warm, and he drifted slowly to the elusive land of slumber.

“I’ve been thinking,” Brandy said.

Her voice floated to him as if traveling from a distant cloud. “That’s good,” he muttered.

She wriggled in his arms. “I’m serious, Nick.”

Her movement brought him back from his in-between state and the cloud he’d been traveling on disappeared. He didn’t open his eyes. “About what?” he asked.

“We’re both in a financial mess,” Brandy said. “Our only real problems stem from lack of money.”

The rain tapped harder, almost insistently, against the window. “Yeah…” Nick muttered. Maybe she was going to suggest robbing a bank. Sometimes he thought it was a viable alternative to sorting his clothes into separate cardboard boxes. Reality would return and he’d remind himself that cardboard box dressers were better than prison.

“So I’ve been thinking,” Brandy said. “Aaron hasn’t worked in over a year and the guy has all his bills paid and plenty of extra cash. Why can’t we do that, too?”

Nick opened his eyes, now fully awake. “I’m not selling drugs.”

“What’s the big deal?”

“The big deal is a six-by-nine jail cell.”

“We won’t get caught. Look at Aaron.”

“That’s Aaron.” Nick slid his arm out from beneath Brandy and pushed up on his elbows. “I’m not that lucky.”

Brandy turned to face Nick. She said, “We’d only sell to people we know.”

“I don’t know anyone but you.”

“I know plenty of people. We could do it for six months and be totally out of debt.”

“You’d be out of debt. I’d be in jail.”

“Stop being such a pessimist. It’s easy money. Don’t you want some rights with your daughter? You need a lawyer.”

Nick groaned. “Thanks for reminding me.”

“I’m not trying to be a bitch,” Brandy said. “I’m trying to help.”

“I know. The drug scene is just not for me.”

Brandy blew out a long sigh. “Okay,” she muttered.

“Look, you do what you want,” Nick said. “I don’t want to risk sharing my space with guys who think my back end is a playground.”

Brandy laughed. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

“I guess I’m getting old.” Nick pulled Brandy close. “Sorry to disappoint you.”

“You didn’t. It’s just that I’m tired of bill collectors. An ex-boyfriend blew my credit cards out of the water before he took a hike. And I know this thing with your ex is tearing you apart.”

“Money isn’t going to fix that.”

“Sure would help,” Brandy said. “A good lawyer can do a lot.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Think about it, at least,” Brandy said.

“Mmm…” was all Nick managed as a reply. Words were becoming too difficult. He was tired. Exhausted, really. And consumed with thoughts of an ex-wife who had betrayed him.

A flash of lightning illuminated the room, followed by a crash of thunder that rattled the windows. Brandy jerked at the sudden eruption. Nick tightened his hold on her but otherwise didn’t flinch. He barely even heard the noise. He was thinking about good lawyers, about exposing his ex-wife for the cheating whore she really was, about taking custody of his daughter.

Rain pelted the windows and thunder continued to rumble. Nick drifted off to sleep, holding on to the image of his daughter in his arms.

Thanks for reading. :)


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