Sunday, August 16, 2015

Indie Artist Interview with Roxanne Fuchs – Indie Crafts


Hey friends! Today I invited Roxanne Fuchs here to Indie Crafts to answer a few questions about herself and her art! Roxanne is and artist and writer for an indie comic, which I think is really cool, she’s also a mom, a crafter just a generally awesome person. Let’s get to know her:

Who are you? Where are you from?  My name is Roxanne Fuchs and I’m from Canada, though I usually go by Roxy.

Are you an Indie Artist/Do you sell you handmade items?  I consider myself an indie artist as I do make indie comic books, though I also dabble in many other art forms such as sewing, crochet, DIY and upholstery to name a few.

When/why did you decide to sell your work?  I decided a long time ago that I wanted to eventually be in business for myself, and though I haven’t officially started a business yet, I got some help publishing my work via my hubby’s publishing company, Coscom Entertainment.


What does the term “Indie” mean to you?  To me, it means something original, honest, and independent.

What is your favorite type of art?  I personally enjoy bright, colorful paintings the most, an outlet I have yet to master, hence I usually stick to line art.

Explain a little bit about your process.  When doing comics, I usually would start with a basic idea of where I want the comic to go, then just start drawing it, letting the story tell itself. So I would go panel by panel, and if I hit a road block, I would just wait until my muse kicked in and go from there. However, for my latest installment of Fuzz Society, since I was able to go on a writer’s retreat recently, I decided to just try minor storyboarding through mini sketches and that seems to have helped get me out of my story rut so far.

What does your workspace look like?  My art desk is mostly organized, though it gets messy from time to time when I have a birthday card or other project to do, but it’s always loaded with colorful markers, pens, pencils, erasers, and other craft supplies. Plus I have a bright desk lamp hanging on the wall for when I’m crafting in the evening.


What is one thing you have you learned from your business?  I have learned that in any type of creative endeavour, it’s important not to let the ups and downs bother you, not to compare yourself to others, but to keep going no matter what, and keep being yourself – that’s the most important thing. You don’t need to do what everyone else is doing either, find something that you enjoy and stick with it as that’s a reward in itself.

What inspires you?  My husband, A.P. – he’s a great guy and writer who’s been through a lot to do what he enjoys most – writing – and he of all people will tell you that you need to just do your own thing regardless of what everyone else thinks, and that’s such a great way to view life.

Also, Pinterest is great too – I have to admit, if I’m online, I’m usually browsing new ideas on there, and I’ve actually done many of them too!


A fun question- What is your favorite food?  Ooh… food – my weakness. ;p I think I’d have to go with either pizza or poutine.
And lastly, where can we find you on the web? (links to your shop, blog, etc. My mom blog, Sharing Mom Life is at:, and you can also tweet me @ ladybugstuff. My comics, Fuzz Society 1 & 2, and Average Jill are available online (kindle) at or, or you can send me a message at thesmartsim at gmail dot com for a print edition. Thanks!

Thanks for answering our questions, Roxy! I love pizza too. 😉


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