Sunday, August 16, 2015

Age…..pick a number, any number you like! | Bude & Beyond ...

geralt / Pixabay

Features On August 16, 2015 By Sally

geralt / Pixabay

geralt / Pixabay

Yes I ache in places I never knew I had. Meetings with friends seem all about our new ailments and have you tried the “latest” technology in face cream for lines and bags under your eyes yet?

It’s not that we have become more vain as we get older its a realisation that time like the tide is not holding back and just who is that person we look at in the mirror! That can’t possibly be me!

I remember asking my beloved Aunty Rose how old she was. Her reply was ” I am the same age as my tongue and a little bit older than my teeth” it took me ages to figure that one out!

I was incredibly upset yesterday hearing how Tom Jones had been dumped from “The Voice” to be replaced by a younger person. If you have ever watched it, Tom seems to be the one judge that most of the contestants want to mentor them.

Whilst I am sure the loss of a lucrative job won’t badly effect Tom Jones’s bank balance I did just wonder how it would effect him from an ageist point of view.

Many businesses have embraced the over 55’s realising that they are actually an asset to a company, you can’t train experience, it only comes with time and age.

But sadly,even though it is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their age it happens more than we realise.

I hate the term “Old Age Pensioner There are a huge amount of “Life Livers” that are still working full time. They are fitter healthier and wealthier than previous generations and have a huge amount, both in work ethic and experience to offer society.

We can’t let our “Life Livers” become invisible which is sadly how many of them feel. My parents in law are in their late seventies and are amazing. They both have a lap top, mobile phone and Kindle and have totally embraced technology. They write, prepare and publish their church magazine and live life to the full.

I truly hope that Tom Jones and many others who have been surpassed by a younger person can throw off their invisible cloaking devices’ hold their heads high and safe in the knowledge that they still have a huge amount to give.


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