Tuesday, August 18, 2015

2015 Book #267: THE 3RD WOMAN by Jonathan Freedland

The 3rd Woman by Jonathan Freedland
ISBN: 9780062207555 (hardcover)
ISBN: 9780062207579 (ebook)
ASIN: B00FJ32ZWE (Kindle edition)
Publication date: August 4, 2015 
Publisher: HarperCollins

The first two murders went unnoticed. The third will change everything. . . 


Journalist Madison Webb is obsessed with exposing lies and corruption. But she never thought she would be investigating her own sister's murder.


Madison refuses to accept the official line that Abigail's death was an isolated crime. She uncovers evidence that suggests that Abi was the third victim in a series of killings that's been hushed up as part of a major conspiracy.


In a United States that has yielded to the People's Republic of China, corruption is rife – the government dictates what the 'truth' is. With her life on the line, Madison must give up the story, or face the consequences…

Madison "Maddy" Webb is an investigative reporter. When Maddy is told her youngest sister is dead due to an overdose, she knows something is wrong. Maddy begins to do what she does best, investigate. She quickly learns that her sister's death is actually a murder and that she was the third victim of a serial killer that may have ties to the People's Republic of China. Take a series of murders, a gubernatorial election, possible police corruption, and an investigative reporter that won't quit until answers are found and you have The 3rd Woman by Jonathan Freedland.

Early on the morning after Maddy Webb has published an expose on local sweatshops, she receives a visit from a police officer and friend telling her that her youngest sister has died of an apparent self-inflicted overdose. Over the course of the next few days, Maddy uncovers two other "deaths" under similar circumstances and all three women are blonde and pale. The more Maddy investigates the more she learns that these murders are being covered up by the police and that there may be ties to the Chinese government. If dealing with a murdered sister isn't enough, Maddy suffers from chronic insomnia, and must deal with the side effects of lack of sleep, as well as the political fallout of her investigation into her sister's murder.

The 3rd Woman is a fast-paced read with a lot of action. The story takes place in a USA that's not too hard to imagine. The US has defaulted on its loans and China is the major lender. In an effort to recoup some of the monies owed, the Chinese government has installed "bases" at port cities along the Western coast of the US. The US is now a country that uses Weibo instead of Twitter and where Chinese-manufactured vehicles are just as prevalent as Japanese, European and American-made vehicles. I found the characters and the action to be highly plausible and realistic. Mr. Freedland does provide a couple of twists and turns in the story just to keep things slightly off and the reader unsure of where the story will end (no, I won't tell you how it ends). Yes, there's a lot going on in this story: political campaigns, possible police department corruption and cover-up, a grassroots protest to ensure justice prevails, family and friends mourning deceased loved ones, and more. If you enjoy reading suspense thrillers, then you'll want to add The 3rd Woman to your TBR list.

Disclaimer: I received a print copy of this book for review purposes from the publisher via Edelweiss. I was not paid, required, or otherwise obligated to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

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