Thursday, May 1, 2014

Book Review: Good, Clean Murder | BY THE BOOK

UnknownLiving on her own for her first time, Bible school student Jane cleans houses to make ends meet. But being independent brings big trials, like falling for a handsome professor, dealing with an obnoxious roommate, and then there’s the dead bodies…

Who knew being housekeeper to wealthy owners of a Roly Burger franchise would mean sweeping up clues to their death, while ministering to the needs of their heirs?

This is one big mess that Jane is intent on cleaning up before things get even worse.

DSC_3094-2 About Traci Tyne Hilton – When not writing I Facebook too much, knit socks, and accompany my mandolin loving husband on the spoons.

I’m also the author of The Mitzy Neuhaus Mystery Series, The Plain Jane Mystery Series, and one of the authors in The Tangle Saga series of science fiction novellas. I was the Mystery/Suspense Category winner for the 2012 Christian Writers of the West Phoenix Rattler Contest, a finalist for Speculative Fiction in the same contest, and have a Drammy from the Portland Civic Theatre Guild. I currently serve as the Vice President of the Portland chapter of the American Christian Fiction Writers Association.

I have a degree in History from Portland State University and still live in the rainiest part of the Pacific Northwest with my goofy family and two small dogs.

My Impressions:

Good, Clean Murder is a cozy mystery with a new adult twist. Filled with a few crazy characters, an earnest Bible student/house cleaner/amateur sleuth, and an integral faith message, Traci Tyne Hilton’s novel will appeal to those who like cozies.

Jane Adler is a Bible school student trying to find her place of service. Her world is a bit out of control, but she has faith that God will direct her course. But discovering two dead bodies just adds to the upheaval that faces her. Evicted from her apartment, involved with a new romantic interest, and the discovery that her Bible school education doesn’t matter, Jane has to face her decisions with a critical eye.

While I enjoyed the mystery, it was Jane’s struggle with pleasing man, herself and God that I found kept me turning the pages. While Jane desires to serve God on the mission field, she has to face whether she is motivated by God’s love or pride in her pursuit of her dream. Overall, I liked Good, Clean Murder and look forward to more in this series.


(I purchased this book for my Kindle. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)

To purchase this book, click on the image below. The Kindle version is free!


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