Sunday, April 27, 2014

Today's 5 FREE Christian Kindle eBooks for 4/27/2014 #amreading ...

His Prairie Princess (Prairie Brides)

When Sadie Jones, the daughter of cattle baron Horatio Jones, set out on her own in search of her dying birth mother, she got more than she bargained for. She never dreamed the stage would be robbed and she herself taken along with the rest of the loot! After all, being kidnapped was the last thing on her mind that morning. Unfortunately it was the foremost thing that afternoon. Harrison Cooke,raised by his English mother to be the perfect gentleman, simply went to get the mail, not rescue a damsel in distress! But here he was, attempting to rescue the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and of course, not get them both killed in the process.

A Rose Blooms Twice (A Prairie Heritage, Book 1)

Rose Brownlee has lost more than most people can endure. Now she must find a way to move on with her life and choose whether she will bow to conventional wisdom or, like Abraham, follow where God leads her . . . even to a country she does not know. Set in the American prairie of the late 1800s, this story of loss, disillusionment, rebirth, and love will inspire, challenge, and encourage you.

What About Tomorrow? (What About…)

Book Three in the “What About…” Series

Patrick has heard the clichés “tomorrow is not promised” and “you only live once”. Actually, he used to live by them. But now he is busy trying to walk in the footsteps ordered by the Lord. As Patrick continues to morph into the man God created him to be, a negative paternity test actually tests Patrick’s heart in ways he never imagined. Will he bend or break under the pressure of being the kind of father he never had? And will he find someone to walk down this rocky road with him into uncertain tomorrows?

Deeper Places: Experiencing God in the Psalms

People typically have two ways of thinking about spirituality. Either they have accepted the false reality that they can only know about God, without knowing him personally, or they have romanticized spirituality to such an extent that it becomes far too otherworldly. In either case, expectations are lowered, and they live in spiritual bankruptcy, feeling like spiritual failures. Pastor and musician Matthew Jacoby sets the Psalms to music as they were intended, performing them with his band, Sons of Korah, for over fifteen years. In the Psalms, he has discovered a portrait of authentic spirituality that helps us journey from deep sadness to profound joy. Jacoby gives readers an in-depth look at the Psalms as a pathway to intimate and satisfying relationship with God.

The Holy Bible: HCSB Digital Text Edition: Holman Christian Standard Bible Optimized for Digital Readers

The HCSB was developed by 100 scholars and English stylists from 17 denominations, who prayerfully translated what is one of the most significant Bible translations available today. The HCSB reflects linguistic advances in vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and formatting while it retains meaningful theological terms. In the HCSB you’ll find God’s personal name (Yahweh), the use of “Messiah” in the New Testament, and the use of “slave” in the New Testament, just to name a few examples. Also, you’ll notice the contemporary speech patterns in the HCSB mean that words like “behold” and “shall” are not used. Instead, words or phrases that are common today can be found in their place.


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