Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mythical Amazon Phone may come with its very own data plan ...

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We’re still not sure if an Amazon Phone actually exists but there’s word that if and when it launches, the device will come with a special data deal called Amazon Prime Data.

In a similar way to the 3G Kindle giving you free 3G to download books and browse the web, sources kind of familiar with Amazon’s plans told BGR that the data bundle could see users able to use certain Amazon apps for free.

Prime rib

That could potentially include Kindle downloads, Prime Instant Video streaming and access to your music and films in Amazon’s Cloud Locker, although we wouldn’t be surprised to see a cap on some of these.

Either that, or Amazon may have negotiated a subsidised contract rate with networks which gets you a lower monthly fee along with the handset.

All that BGR’s sources know for sure is that something called Amazon Prime Data exists: at this point, it could be anything.

Except, perhaps, something that’s likely to be available outside the US at launch.

AT&T U-verse


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