Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Luton man's tale of abuse reaches top 10 Amazon place | PR Fire

The heart-braking story of a boy’s childhood in a violent family home has become a Top 10 book on Amazon, the world’s biggest bookshop with the Kindle version reaching 7th position on Amazon UK, and an unexpected 3rd position on Amazon.com, within the Memoir genre in April 2014.

Critics have praised Life Without… as writer Dave White opens up the horrors of growing up and the shocking revelation that would cast a shadow over the rest of his life.

A true story, the book follows the path of Dave as he suffers at the hands of his violent parents. Putting himself in harm’s way to protect his sister, Dave searches for someone who believes him, until by chance he discovers the truth: that his tormentor is not his real father after all.

Losing all trust in the people around him, and forced to leave his sister with his Dad; Dave looks for a way to escape his past. But joining the Army as bullying reaches an all-time high, the life he has chosen will be a hard one indeed. Discipline and training give him the strength to fight back, his determination and courage wins respect. But this life will also bring war, and with it comes the pain of loss and injury. Now trapped in the solitude of depression, Dave faces the only thing he fears. The memory of his Life Without…

The writer, who grew up in Luton, says: “I have suffered with PTSD since I was 13. Most of what I went through before that age I never talk about. The book tells you of these years and how it has affected my life since.

“I’m hoping that people can see that when things seem to be falling apart around them, that there is a way through.”

For the former soldier, this is a book he has spent a long time preparing.

“I’ve written the story dozens of times, always during bouts of deep depression. The first time I was still at school, but back then I called it ‘A Fathers Love’. As a homework assignment we were to write a ten page story which I dreaded. My spelling was atrocious and the scribble I call handwriting is even worse but, when I started, I found I couldn’t stop. A week or so later I handed the teacher over a hundred pages and got an A+ rather than my normal detention.”

Also impressive have been the reviews on Amazon. One wrote: “This is one of the most powerful books I think I’ve ever read. The strength that this man had to survive his early years is truly astonishing.”

Another critic added: “Absolutely fantastically written…I had tears in my eyes all the way through but I will read this book over and over again as it had me hooked.”

For more information on this book, visit Amazon and search for ‘Dave White Life Without’ where both paperback and Kindle formats are available.



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