Monday, April 28, 2014

Comixology Kills In-App Purchasing on iOS, Enraging Users

POSTED IN Digital Marketing | TAGS : Comixology, Enraging, InApp, Kills, Purchasing, Users



It’s been less than a month since Amazon acquired Comixology, but the company has already made a contreversial change to its iOS app that has angered many of its users.

The digital comics company completely removed in-app purchasing from its iOS app in an update over the weekend, forcing iOS users to buy comics from the company’s web-based storefront

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With the latest version of the app, purchasing comics works similarly to how Kindle purchases for iOS are made. Just like Kindle editions of books, which can’t be purchased from Amazon’s iOS app, iOS users can now only purchase comics from The company also updated its Android app to change how in-app purchases are made. Transactions are now made through Comixology, instead of Google, but the company didn’t remove them entirely. Read more…

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