Saturday, September 21, 2013

Nine Year Old Girl Becomes #1 Best Seller Again on Amazons ...

Posted September 21st, 2013 by admin & filed under Pets And Pet Care.

Oakland, CA (PRWEB) September 20, 2013

A 9-year-old girl, Abbey Richter, wants the whole world to know the story of a strong cat, Stella, who found a home at veterinary hospital. Little did Abbey know that her book, “Stunning Stella“, would capture many hearts, making her the #1 Best seller on Amazons Kindle store in the second day of the actual publication.

KPIX 5 (CBS) did a story on Abbey in the summer of 2013 for her first book, “Lucky Leo”, which also hit the Best-Seller rank on Amazon.

The Pet Concierge is a proud publisher of Abbeys story and made it their goal to spread the word about Abbeys book in order to inspire children to take the best care of their pets.

“We are thrilled to share this incredible story about a girl who loves animals no matter what. Lee Richter, CEO of

As for the star of the Stunning Stella book, Stella, lets just say she is a happy cat with one of the most touching stories.

About Us: was established in 2012 to provide connections to the top experts in the pet community that provide Eastern and Western medicine, wellness, nutrition, grooming and pampering, creating a proactive plan keeping pets healthier and happier during all facets of their life.


Lee Richter, CEO


Tags: About, After, Again, Amazons, Becomes, Best, Book, Cat's, Concierge, Girl, Journey, Kindle, Nine, Published, Seller, Store, Writing, Year


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