Tuesday, August 6, 2013

More #Food for a #Vegan | MARIAN ALLEN

Oh, dear, oh, dear, if you can’t eat meat, eggs, or dairy, what can you eat?

I’m not a strict vegan — in fact, I’m an omnivore — but we’ve sort of drifted away from meat, eggs (other than our #2 daughter’s free-range chickens’ eggs) and dairy (apart from the occasional treat from local grass-fed cows). It bemuses me, that I still think of veganism as extreme and limiting when I know better from my own table!

Here’s what we had the other night:veganfeast

That’s refrigerator pickles (cucumbers, green peppers, green onions, and celery in vinegar/sugar syrup), okra baked until it isn’t slimy, roast beets in vegan margarine, pan-grilled green beans and green onions, and cucumbers and tomatoes in Italian dressing.

Yeah, it was good. It was real good.

I’m posting at Fatal Foodies about some more stuff that’s good. Also vegetarian.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Create a character with a food restriction, medical or otherwise.


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