Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Ravings of Demented Rabbits » July Booklogging

In which it’s going to be all about me talking about lemurs, all the time. Sorry. But hey, lemurs.

Less lemurs next time, I promise.

The other thing I did this month especially was wrote a program to generate most of these posts automatically. In an imaginative turn of mind, I called it Booklogger, and I’m confident that it will soon win all sorts of awards for fantastic and beautiful UI design.

Actually, I’m kind of proud of this one – treeview controls are kind of a bitch to work with in any way that makes sense, and while there are still a few bits of polish I’d like to put on, I’m fairly happy with how it worked out, and I’m slowly getting better with things like arrays and XML parsers that don’t really belong in a post about books.

Only took a couple days worth of work, too. That part was really nice.

Anyway, onwards.

YTD stats:

January: 3 total; 3 fiction (1,712 pages)

February: 3 total; 3 graphic (1,098 pages)

March: 13 total; 10 graphic (2,432 pages); 2 fiction (1,462 pages); 1 graphic (290 pages)

April: 7 total; 2 graphic (1,200 pages); 2 fiction (1,776 pages); 3 graphic (1,244 pages)

May: 1 total; 1 fiction (1,040 pages)

June: 5 total; 5 fiction (2,480 pages)

July: 5 total; 5 fiction (1,934 pages)

Year to Date: 37 total; 12 graphic (3,632 pages); 18 fiction (10,404 pages); 7 non-fiction (2,632 pages)

Details for July after the jump.

07/01/2013 Taylor Anderson Distant Thunders (2010 Roc Kindle edition, 432 pages – Personal collection, 2012)

After the first three books, this one takes a step back, and we finally get a look at the actual world that’s emerging from the crazy events of books 1-3. This is always the best part of any kind of alternate or sideways history for me – we all know the heroes are going to triumph, but oil-drilling lemurs and hunting dinosaurs with anti-aircraft guns, that’s something different.

Oh, and there are snooty British people, too. That’s always a plus.

07/18/2013 Taylor Anderson Rising Tides (2011 Roc Kindle edition, 496 pages – Personal collection, 2012)

So, there’s a volcano in this book, and that sent me on a nice Wikipedia tangent about Krakatoa and early submarines, but the thing I really want to talk about here is how awful Roc’s proofreading is on most of these e-books. Either they create them from drafts, or their people just suck at their jobs, because while Roc has never been wonderful at it, and the early books in this series had issues, this one is absolutely atrocious. Did it even have a proofreader? I wonder.

07/26/2013 Taylor Anderson Firestorm (2011 Roc Kindle edition, 464 pages – Personal collection, 2012)

Samurai lemurs. That is all.

Well, ok. Also the velociraptor zeppelins. Let’s not forget those.

Which, you know, I’m REALLY sad we Kindle readers don’t really get the cover art, because all of the books in this series have awesome art associated with them.

07/28/2013 Taylor Anderson Iron Grey Sea (2012 Roc Kindle edition, 46 pages – Personal collection, 2012)

By this point in the series, we’re finally getting to where Anderson’s going with a lot of the technology, which sort of reminds me of a grown-up version of kids sitting around going “What if there dinosaurs, and people, and they had stuff from World War II, and Civil War ironclads, and then they FOUGHT and there were lemurs and stuff and biplanes and it would be SO COOL”

Yeah, it’s pretty cool, not gonna lie.

07/30/2013 Taylor Anderson Storm Surge (2013 Roc Kindle edition, 496 pages – Personal collection, 2013)

The main thing to say about this one is, it’s a big world after all.

Also, after the shoddy, second rate production values of the earlier books, this one had a pretty good Kindle version. Proofreading is (mostly) better, we actually get illustrations mid-book, fancy drop caps on the chapter beginnings, the whole thing you’d get if you were reading, you know, a real book. So that’s pretty cool.

Also I read the whole series again as a lead-in to this book, and it was a pretty cool book, so I’m pretty happy.


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