Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Kindle Me. | kkelly photography

I wander into a corner and sit upon the floor.

The stacks rise up beside me,

As I affectionately touch the brittle spines.

I pick at the leather as it flakes off,

The smell mingles with the air particles,

And it is a scent I adore.

It’s comforting and safe,

Slowing my pulse to a calm.

And if these old pages were a blanket,

I’d wrap them tightly around me,

Falling asleep to love stories and love poems.

They would surround me,

And I would drift into the words,

Like wood out to sea.

The stories would sink into my skin,

As it kindles me,

Like you kindle me,

And I threaten to set the whole thing on fire.

I see you through blinds;

Fragmented pieces that stack up,

But don’t really take shape.

And when you push me away for the countless time,

Insisting that you are broken,

You’re broken, I’m broken,

I wrap myself in a blanket of old words.

Of people who said it so much better than I.


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