Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wool Trilogy 1 by Hugh Howey | ScifiWard

Wool by Hugh Howey

Wool by Hugh Howey is brilliant. I suggest you buy it now. See the link below for the US kindle version (most of my readers are in the US), and thank me later.

I really can’t write too much without giving away the story. Essentially, everyone lives underground in a giant silo in a post apocalyptic world. Every floor is large, with its own function, and there are over 100 floors. It’s pretty damn big. By why is everyone there? What has happened to humanity? And what the hell is with the weird taboos and the process known as ‘cleaning’?

The book slowly reveals the secrets of the silo and the world outside through a great cast of characters. At times it felt a bit like Lost, I was desperate to see what was really going on and what would happen next. Fortunately however, Wool also has a totally satisfying explanation.

I loved this book. It got in one of those moods where I got massively excited when I realised I had an hour or two spare and could read.

To illustrate how good it is, I should mention Hugh Howey’s own story. In 2011, Howey was bored of his job and decided to write a scifi novella and self publish it on the kindle. It sold well, so he wrote four more. These sold even better. By the end of the five novellas (the er, trilogy), Ridley Scott had read it and optioned it for a film and Howey found himself a millionaire from digital sales alone. The publishers came along and, unbelievably, Howey managed to sell the rights to just the print version while keeping full rights to the digital kindle version. He now does very well indeed.

And it is totally justified. Wool, as I mentioned, is brilliant.

Buy Wool on kindle by click on this.

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