Thursday, May 2, 2013

Kindle Fire Automatic Email Checks - Ask The Computer Lady

Dear Computer Lady,

How do I get my Kindle Fire to automatically check for new email messages?

Thanks, Frank

Dear Frank,

You can set your Kindle Fire up so that it checks for new emails on a regular basis.

If you are using a newer Kindle Fire, go ahead and open your email inbox and locate the menu button in the top-right corner of the screen.

After you tap Menu, tap settings, then tap your email account.

Now, tap “Inbox check frequency” and select the frequency you want. I have mine set to check every 15 minutes, but you can select anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour.

If you are using an older Kindle Fire, the menu button will be located at the bottom of the screen, and you will be looking for a setting called, Fetch New Messages”.


It’s Your Turn: What do you think?

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Elizabeth Boston is a Web designer, Social Media Consultant and managing editor of, “Ask The Computer Lady”.

Connect with Elizabeth on Google+


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