Sunday, May 12, 2013

Anti-Twitter Free in Kindle Store | John Edward Lawson

Anti-Twitter cover artAre your familiar with author Harold Jaffe, long considered one of the leading postmodernists? His book Anti-Twitter: 150 50-Word Stories is available as a FREE download now through Tuesday. Currently ranked #1 in Satire on the Kindle charts, with 29 five-star reviews, this book comes highly recommended! Published by Raw Dog Screaming Press, only in eBook on Amazon. Get your free copy at

And now, published today for the first time in eBook, two more of Jaffe’s controversial works:

jesuscoyoteJesus Coyote Building on the mayhem created by the controversial but critically acclaimed collection 15 Serial Killers Jaffe’s Jesus Coyote goes one step further. This docufictional novel based on the Manson murders proves that, just like his coyote totem, the myths around Manson hold irrevocable power. In one swooping panoramic arc, with the bloody killings at its center, Jaffe captures the perspectives of Manson, his devotees, the prosecutors, the victims and their mourners while firing a shot against the hypocrisy of institutionalized “morality.”

Revolutionary Brain coverRevolutionary Brain In this timely collection of essays and “quasi-essays,” acclaimed novelist and critic Harold Jaffe explores the intricate vicissitudes of millennial culture. Gesturing, in a philosophical shorthand, toward a kind of pop Armageddon, Revolutionary Brain is at once thesis, allegory, and surreal comedy, demonstrating just how far we, and the natural world we have debased, have fallen. Obsessed with technology, we are incapable of reconstructing ourselves. By way of Jaffe’s elegant prose and perfect pitch, our collective disability is laid bare at the 11th hour. Revolutionary Brain is a powerful cry for a brave new aesthetics that turns towards, not away, from our tormented globe.


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