Monday, April 22, 2013

3 Free Health Books on Amazon Kindle - Happy Mothering

by Chrystal Johnson on April 22, 2013

Here are a few health-related books that are free on Kindle today. Go grab your copy before they put them back at regular price!

Remember, you don’t need a Kindle to get these books. Amazon now offers free Kindle software for your computer, tablet or phone!



Happy, healthy reading!


Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

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About Chrystal Johnson

Chrystal, publisher of Happy Mothering, is a mother of two sweet girls who believes in living a simple, natural lifestyle. A former marketing manager, Chrystal spends her time researching green and eco-friendly alternatives to improve her family's life. She enjoys sharing those discoveries with anyone who's willing to listen.

Previous post: Natural Homemade Gatorade Recipe


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