Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ultimate ebook creator amazon kindle books | Ereader Video ...

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Read Now !! The Ultimate Ebook Creator is a complete system. In fact it’s made up of two products. The ebook editor and formatter The editor has a professional quality WYSIWYG editor. There is no need for Microsoft Word. You can insert text, images and even web site links Article Database Management System: A professional database system. Create and organize all your articles and content. You can search thousands or even millions for any article is seconds. You can import 1000s of PLR articles in just a few simple clicks Ebooks Now Out Sell Physical Books! If you’re reading this page you probably already know that you can earn a very decent passive income publishing ebooks on the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing platform (KDP). My wife has published 3 kindle ebooks so far and she’s netting 2.9K per month passive income with those two ebooks. Millions Hungry for Ebooks! Amazon has millions of customers all hungry for content to read on their Kindle readers. Did you know that ebooks now outsell all hard and soft cover physical books combined! Yes you read that correctly! That’s The Good News, But! There is a PROBLEM! Did you know that 95% of the people who manage to publish an ebook for the Kindle never sell a single copy. It’s not thier content. Most of the time the author has probably spent hours, even days or weeks writing the ebook. So why do they fail! Well it’s the final step before you upload to Amazon or Barnes & Noble or whatever

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