Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New JISC survey on open access monographs « News from JURN.org

Details of a recent JISC survey in the arts and humanities and social sciences. They asked if publishers could be allowed to recoup their costs on open access, by selling print-on-demand paper copies of monographs.

What I’d want (and might pay for during a research project) wouldn’t be print, but a nicely formatted .mobi ebook file for my Kindle ereader. But if a publisher’s Kindle monograph costs £65 and a simple PDF to Kindle operation is free, why would I not choose the latter, mangled formatting and all? Many others will simply read their PDFs on a iPad, Kindle Fire or other tablet.

However, it seems that for the moment print rules…

“Print still dominates reading preferences, but less so for early career academics”

Yet I really can’t see university managers standing for academics charging the departmental credit-card £50+ a time to get print monographs, once the PDFs are free online. To save costs they might present their stick-in-the-mud academics with shiny new £150 tablets, and tell them to read all future PDFs on that or lump it. Or, if print really is vital, the university might install a hired print-on-demand book-printing machine in the university’s printing works.

Also some interesting statistics in the article, from a JISC survey of 690 (presumably all in the UK)…

“Creative Commons licensing is not well understood by humanities and social science academics, not only was awareness of CC low at only 40 per cent [...] Familiarity with open access is at 30 per cent and awareness is at 50 per cent, although this was before the Finch report” [...]



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