Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How Much Do You Really Want It? - eBook Readers and Kindles

Jan 2, 2013

 How Much Do You Really Want It?: When Change Can’t HappenGuest blogger
Brett Blumenthal is the best-selling author of

three books, including
52 Small Changes

and—fresh off the presses today—
A Whole

New You. Her writing is regularly featured on the Huffington Post and

Yahoo!, among many other outlets, and she is the founder of Sheer Balance.

At the turn of every new year, millions of individuals vow

to change something about their lives. Many set goals to lose weight and

improve health, some look to reinvent their careers, and others hope to strengthen

relationships. Unfortunately, within a few weeks of the new year, many resolutions

fall by the wayside. In A Whole New You,

I offer a six-step process to help people make real transformation that lasts.

 How Much Do You Really Want It?: When Change Can’t HappenLasting change has to be authentic to you as an individual;

to your desires and your needs. To change because we “have to” or “should” sets

us up for failure in the long run. If, for instance, you attempt to lose weight

solely because you think you should, you may be successful in the short term—but

old habits likely will creep in later, and the weight will return. But if you

have a deep personal desire to lose weight, your chances of long-term success

will be much greater.

To ensure success, it’s critical to be honest with yourself

about what you really want. Honest evaluation of how much you desire to change is

crucial to making real transformation happen.

Here are some questions to consider:

  • Why am I making the change? List

    all the reasons for considering the change.

  • What is my motivation? Identify the driving force behind your

    interest in change. Go beyond the rationality of why, and think about the

    emotional side and your feelings. Is your interest due to external influences, guilt,

    or because you think you should or need to? Or do you have a burning desire to

    make the change?

  • Am I really passionate? On a scale of 1 to 10, with “1”

    being the least and “10” being the most, evaluate how passionate you are about the

    transformation you’re considering. Also assess if you have felt a strong passion

    for a long time or if it might be fleeting.

  • What would change feel like? Imagine you are successful in

    your transformation. How would it feel? The same? Better? Would you feel

    exhilarated? Relieved? New and improved?

As you consider the above, always remember: True

transformation must be authentic to you and to your goals. The six steps

outlined in A Whole New You provide the framework to build goals for your own

transformation. The more you stay true to yourself, the more successful you

will be.

Brett Blumenthal

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