Saturday, December 29, 2012

Kindle Creators: Five Authors Describe their Self-Publishing ...

Rating: 4

In June of 2012, New York City, we asked Theresa Ragan, Maria Murnane, Deborah Reed, James Altucher, and Melinda Leigh to describe their self-publishing experience. Theresa Ragan sold over 300000 books through Kindle Direct Publishing, including four Top 100 Kindle Best-Sellers. Maria Murnane’s deubut novel, “Perfect on Paper,” reached #2 in the Kindle store. Deborah Reed’s “Carry Yourself Back to Me” was selected as one of Amazon’s 100 Best Books of the Year for 2011. James Altucher switched exclusively to self-publishing despite successfully authoring 6 books with traditional publishers. Melinda Leigh sold over 100000 copies of “She Can Run” and became a 2012 International Thriller Award Finalist. Learn more about Kindle Direct Publishing:


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