Friday, December 28, 2012

Kindle a Conversation | Growing Edge Coaching

In a social media world where we can like, follow, tweet, add, watch, text, and update a status in an instant, let us remember the importance of sharing a real conversation and developing healthy relationships. Perhaps we can put away the smartphone and enjoy a cup of tea with a friend. Perhaps instead of reading status updates, we can pick up the phone and hear about the status of a loved one. Perhaps we can kindle a conversation rather than add to a long thread on social media app. Perhaps we can have more personal experiences.

To invest in the life of another is perhaps one of the best trust funds we will ever have.

Technology has the power to ignite, connect, provide accessibility, increase workflow, and connect to others on a global scale. Yet, it can also keep us isolated, disconnected, and addicted.

This holiday season, I am inviting everyone (myself included) to use social media to kindle a conversation, connect with a community, create a tribe, lead powerful dialog, invite access to mindful practices, and provide opportunities that leverage social movements. We have the power to promote relationships over results.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

I’m ready to kindle a conversation

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