Wednesday, October 17, 2012

UPDATE 1-Amazon makes big Kindle push in US schools | Learning ...

Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:30pm EDT

By Alistair Barr

SAN FRANCISCO Oct 17 (Reuters) – Inc

announced an initiative on Wednesday to get its Kindle e-readers

and tablet computers into schools, entering a market that has

been particularly successful for rival Apple Inc and

its iPad device.

Amazon said it has been testing Kindles in recent years with

hundreds of kindergarten through 12th grade schools in the

United States, selling the devices at bulk discounts and helping

them purchase and distribute e-books to students.

On Wednesday, the company unveiled Whispercast, a service

that lets schools manage fleets of Kindle devices from one

online location.

Administrators and teachers can set up user accounts for

each student and arrange them into one or more groups, such as a

specific class or grade level. They can also set limits on what

students can do with the devices, such as blocking Facebook and

web browsing and disabling purchasing, Amazon said.

Amazon’s education push is part of a broader effort by the

world’s largest Internet retailer to get Kindles into as many

hands as possible. The company sells Kindles at cost and hopes

to make money selling e-books and other content such as apps,

games, music and video through the devices.

“We want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to own

a Kindle device. Any time we can make that easier, we do that,”

said Jay Marine, vice president of Kindle product management.

“And we have a particular mission to increase reading,

especially among kids.”

Education is a potentially huge market for tablets and

e-readers, partly because they are easier for administrators to

manage than personal computers and laptops, according to Carl

Howe of consulting firm Yankee Group.

Apple’s iPad has been a big hit with educational

institutions in the United States. In the second quarter of

2012, the company said sales of iPads in the U.S. education

market almost doubled year-over-year to just under 1 million


Amazon’s Marine said Kindles are easier to carry for

students than lots of physical books. Students who are learning

to read may also be less intimidated by big books, because the

content is housed in small, thin devices, he added.

Amazon has been offering discounts on the hardware for bulk

purchases by schools. The company does not currently offer bulk

discounts on e-books, but Marine said that may come in the


Whispercast will also work in coming months with apps that

run on Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablets, he added.

Clearwater High School in Florida and St Rose of Lima School

in Texas are among schools that have been testing Kindles with


Clearwater High has been using about 2,000 Kindles for more

than two years and recently the test was expanded to more than

122 schools in the same district, according to Principal Keith


The devices make students more enthusiastic about reading

and studying in general, he said.

Still, Yankee Group’s Howe said there are limitations on how

useful e-books can be in education. Physical books can be

re-sold easily, unlike digital versions, he noted.

It is also more difficult for a student to study from

multiple e-books at the same time, Howe explained.

“Imagine a student in a library with 10 books with book

marks in each one,” he said. “Try doing that with an e-reader.

It’s pretty hard and kind of a mess.”

Whispercast is also designed to make it easier for

businesses and non-profit organizations to use Kindle devices.

Companies can use the service to centrally distribute

documents and other items such as conference agendas or training

materials to employees or customers, Amazon said.

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Tags: education update


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