Monday, October 29, 2012

Tweener Tablet Wars Heating Up as Amazon Aptly Compares its ...

TablEt wars copy Tweener Tablet Wars Heating Up as Amazon Aptly Compares its Kindle Fire HD to Apple’s iPad MiniIt’s always healthy to have a bit of competition in the marketplace. Just ask the folks over at Apple about Samsung, and they can assure you that sometimes competitive bites ring loud and clear (all over the courts over ensuing patent rights and the always promiscuous intellectual properties, of course). While many analysts saw Apple releasing its much anticipated tweener tablet premier – the iPad Mini – at a price relatively comparable to other tweener tablets on the market (tweener tablets are smaller or mid-sized tablets with less screen space and are not quite smartphone size, yet not quite full tablet size, hence their nickname). However, Apple premiered the iPad Mini at $329 MSRP for the 16GB, a bit higher than the benchmark that had been anticipated by analysts.

Now, Amazon is cashing in on the hoopla with the release of a graphic that was posted on their homepage today in a bit of competitive and friendly gamesmanship that propels technology into the official first round of the Tweener wars by comparing features and functionality of their hot-selling Kindle Fire HD tablet to the features of the newly released (still on preorder) iPad Mini.

Let the Tweener Wars Get Underway

Amazon appealed to customers and prospective customers today by comparing differences between the tablets, stating specifically that the Fire HD has better speakers, more enhanced Wi-Fi connectivity, and a better display than its rival. Of course, Amazon also coyly pointed out the notable difference in price, too; the Kindle HD retails for only $199. The large online superstore direct quoted from a recent review by Gizmodo of Apple’s iPad Mini, which called the opening $329 price tag “ballsy.” The internet conglomerate was certain to put that direct quote smack dab on their homepage today.

Here’s the graphic from Amazon:

o KINDLE FIRE IPAD MINI 570 Tweener Tablet Wars Heating Up as Amazon Aptly Compares its Kindle Fire HD to Apple’s iPad Mini

The tweener tablet wars are officially underway and getting intense. In the latest battle, Amazon pits the features of its Kindle Fire HD to Apple’s new iPad Mini.

Tablet Wars Getting More Intense

While the Kindle Fire HD has already sold more than 4-million units worldwide, and may include a better screen and speakers, Apple’s diehard fan base, loyal users and quality production should see it’s tweener tablet sell millions of units over the months to come as well. And Barnes & Noble is about to cash in, too, with the forthcoming release of its NOOK HD tablet. And let’s not overlook another gargantuan player in the marketplace, Google, and their up and coming Nexus 7, which should be on store shelves in the near future.

Indeed, the tablet wars are getting intense. Over here at Aptito, we are pleased to offer digital menu software on both Android and Apple operating systems. So no matter which tablets you favor the most, you can enjoy using your chosen medium in your restaurant. The release of the iPad Mini can enable you to offer miniature digital menus. Learn more about Mini iPad Menus by Aptito.

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