Sunday, October 14, 2012

FREE Kindle Edition ~ 'From Captive to Conqueror'

FREE Kindle Edition

* Limited Time Offer

From Captive to Conqueror

Many things can hold us captive. Addictions. Compulsions. Self-hatred. Dark fantasies. Bitterness. The list goes on. Often, we try to escape these captors in our own strength, but with little or no success. Whatever success we have is fleeting.

Then one day, we realize we cannot win in our own strength. We cry out for help. God answers that cry and amazing things begin to happen.

In 2 Samuel 22, we see a vivid picture of one who is held captive by something far too strong to escape. This powerful passage shows how God moves on behalf of that captive who finally cries out for help. God acts. He frees, restores, trains, and equips that captive to be a conqueror.

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