Monday, October 29, 2012

Amazon Takes the iPad Mini Heads On with - Lowyat.NET ...

As the competition heats up in the tablet scene, a new trend is slowly building up in the tablet makers’ advertising: mudslinging. Plenty of it. We’ve seen these before: Samsung perfected the art with their Galaxy S II and S III ads, taking direct aim at Apple’s iPhone and their supposed fanboys. Nokia also jumped on the bandwagon, making fun of the iPhone’s dull colour choices.

However, not many would have expected Amazon to join in. After all, their Kindles were never more than e-book readers for many. Perhaps what miffed Amazon was the fact that Apple’s new iPad Mini comes into direct competition with its latest iteration of the Kindle, the Kindle Fire HD. After all, Apple launched the iPad Mini in a typical adjective-spewed, “this is the best yet” manner, completely ignoring the fact that both the Kindle Fire HD and Google’s Nexus 7 were better specced and cheaper than the iPad Mini.

Regardless, it resulted in a front page feature on the Amazon website, with a quote from Gizmodo that was pretty critical of the iPad Mini, and below it, a table directly comparing the specs of the iPad Mini with the Kindle Fire HD.

It’s just too bad then, that Malaysians do not have the ability to compare the two devices, since the Kindle Fire HD will not be available in Malaysia.

(Source: Amazon)

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