Sunday, September 9, 2012

Yilb Kindle Fire HD- Too Good To Be True

When news of new Kindle Fires hit the internet last week, we were among the first to boast about how these new tablets, namely the Kindle Fire HD 7″ and Kindle Fire HD 8.9″, were so amazingly tech-packed and low-priced. We had just a small hunch that it might all be just too good to be true. Soon after, our fears materialized. As it seems, the new Kindles, as well as the revamped original version, are ad-supported and feature heavy user-tracking. What this means is more privacy-infiltration and more annoying ads. This time around though, the ads are built in to the device Operating System itself, which means they are impossible to remove, and even more annoying, they will display in the lock screen. As for the heavy user tracking, this means less privacy for you. Now, each Kindle will report its users’ search information to a central database that will be available for the whole world to see. Goodbye anonymity and privacy. Whether these features will remain after the immense negative reaction from consumers is still to be seen, but so far, what we do know is that the low price and high-tech is a double-edged sword that is sure to slice away at your internet privacy and destroy the feeling of total ownership as you are subjected to ads from the lock screen. Will you buy the new power-packed, budget-sensitive devices, or will you opt for more privacy?

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About the author: Jon View all posts by Jon

My name is Jonathan Acosta-Torres. I am an entrepreneur-at-heart who loves to learn and write, especially about technology and gaming.


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